ON is a native Czech Robot (did you know that ROBOT is an original Czech word created by Karel Čapek?). He is very curious and is excited to discover the world around him. He has a peculiar sense of humor. This robot is among the most mobile in the world.
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And there's another perfect piece, a precisely executed puppet craft. A funny idea, a perfect design and it is still functional ... in short, a puppet, as it should be!
Just big (34 cm), cute, eyed, and like any mischievous frog, it can open its mouth. Beautifully mobile, light, easy to use ... every puppeteer's dream.
A+ A+ A+ A+ A+
Speed of delivery Very satisfactory packaging I visualized a bigger puppet
This guy is the cutest thing ever! He is getting a lot of attention and is a favorite with the children! Great work and craftsmanship!
Source of the reviews: Marionettes.cz, Google, Etsy