This is whole collection of popular czech marionettes which inspired the whole puppetry world. Collection includes five marionettes: Spejbl, Hurvinek, Manicka, Mrs. Katerina and dog Zeryk
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The puppets in this category represent the Czech tradition in puppet making. These are mostly small series cast puppets, which are then hand decorated by sewing and painting.
All Czechs know them, since the time they were little kids. The most famous and most popular puppet theater in the Czech Republic. It was founded by Josef Skupa in Pilsen as early as 1930. Since 1995, the Spejbl & Hurvinek Theater has been located in Prague Dejvice.
A lot has happened in more than 90 years, the popularity of marionette puppets has undergone many changes in general, but everyone knows Spejbl and Hurvinek. They have already appeared in more than 250 author's games, not only for children. Part of the theatre's repertoire are satirical plays intended for adults.
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